Acacia Honey is a miraculous honey with anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-infection properties. It has been used for centuries as a natural alternate medicine and proves most effective for fighting the symptoms of colds, flus, infections, and for use before or after exercise to reduce muscle fatigue.
Our Organic Raw Acacia Honey can be used in a wide variety of ways.
The anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory nature of our Acacia Honey is ideal for treating wounds. Simply apply a small amount of honey to the open wound and/or take a tablespoon of honey with your favourite food or drink to help fight inflammation or further infection.
Muscle fatigue is always the most dreaded part about a heavy workout. Why not use some of our Acacia Honey to help? Simply take a tablespoon before or after a workout and feel all of the tightness and soreness alleviate!